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    Our Philosophy 


    Eastwick creates thoughtful plans that shape communities by leveraging existing assets and understanding each organization’s mission.


    The following principles guide our work:
    - Main Street Managers, business owners, governments, employers and residents all play a role in economic development and revitalization. We work holistically to include a variety of voices. There is never a “one-size-fits-all” solution. 


    -Every community has assets and in your town, it may be history, arts, food, architecture, nature, crafts or a quirky combination of things but together, we will figure it out.


    -Authenticity is an important component when developing strategies to attract visitors and investment. We will identify your community’s assets and help you enhance and leverage them to a new level.


     - Nature-based assets are dynamic catalysts for economic development. We understand how to work with local government and businesses to make a river or trail an attraction that increases visitation and cultivates stewardship through programming.


     - Understanding a community takes time and elbow grease. We believe in delving deep into multiple facets; we don’t subscribe to the single meeting “hit and run” approach to determine brand, vision or strategy. We invest time in your project and community because you have invested in us.
    - We work with all types of clients and believe every stakeholder and constituent deserves to be treated with respect.

    - Revitalization and sowing the seeds for economic development and revitalization are complicated and take time but are more successful when strategy and collaboration intersect with passion.
    We like a challenge; we hope you do too! We are in this together so let's get to work!

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